Tuesday 7 February 2012

Proverbs 14

"A sound heart is life to the body,
but envy is rottenness to the bones."

There are so many things in this life that can break down the wall around our hearts. Stress. Broken relationships. Unloved. Busyness. No time. Tired. Empty. Lost. Hurtful words. Worries. Burdens. The list is endless and it can grow longer as we journey on through life. But there is a way to find life. 

To find life, one must have a sound heart. It means being content. There is a contentment that is called godly contentment; and godly contentment comes with great gain (1 Tim 6:6). Knowing God, having Him to rely on, and being close to Him is all we need in life. Because He will provide for us, take care of us and lead us home. Why envy things of the world? Why wish for materialistics? Why follow worldly trends? The things of this world are only temporary hence they will pass. 

You will always have your heart with you. The organ that pumps life through your body and is a part of your soul and spirit. Each of us have one. What is your heart's desire?  

Sunday 5 February 2012

Proverbs 13

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life."

I know when I say things, I must be ready to fulfill them; to take responsibility and to rely on God. I don't like it when people say things carelessly and never get around to doing it. It may be a habit. It may be out of politeness.  But I hope I can hold fast to my own principles because I know I get sick and tired waiting for something to happen. On the other hand, when a desire is fulfilled it makes me happy, satisfied and content.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Proverbs 8

"I love those who love me,
and those who seek me diligently find me."

I will seek wisdom...

Thursday 26 January 2012

Proverbs 8

"For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord,
but he who fails to find me injures himself;
all who hate me love death."

Wisdom is seeking God in life and it's not an easy journey walking on this narrow path. But His promises are sure. It's okay to fall but it's important to learn to get up and keep going. Never give up on this journey of faith.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Proverbs 7

Source: hebraicbydesign.blogspot.com

"My son, keep my words 
and treasure up My commandments with you;
keep My commandments and live; 
keep My teaching as the apple of your eye;
bind them on your fingers; 
write them on the tablet of your heart."

As I read these words this morning "keep My commandments as the apple of your eye", my heart felt heavy. I   am weak and I struggle to keep His commandments, and to keep it as the apple of my eye is a big ask. But then I remembered that when I am weak, I am strong in knowing that He will help me and nothing is too much   for me to bear because He first came and struggled in this world to overcome sin and death. His words are life and I'll need it on this journey in this world.

Monday 23 January 2012

Proverbs 6

"There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to Him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hand that shed innocent blood,
a that devised wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
a false witness who breathes out lies,
and one who sows discord among brothers."

It is a daunting fact to do or be the things that the Lord hates because He can manifest Himself to be as an awesome consuming fire, but at the same time He can manifest Himself in a calm gentle still whisper. As long as I fear the Lord, I hope not to offend Him. His grace is truly sufficient for me. I must continue on this narrow  path. 

Sunday 22 January 2012

Proverbs 6

Source: cravingtech.com

"Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."

After I read this passage, I had to do something.
I went out and followed my mom to work though it's a Sunday morning.
I couldn't sleep in. I couldn't stay at home. I had to get out.
As I was working, I saw an ant carrying a leaf beneath me. It ran past my feet.
It's amazing how such little creatures can carry things bigger than it's own size.
That's something to learn from them; to work diligently.